Think of the internet as a giant web of information, spread all over the world. Some of you may know this as the world wide web (WWW). This web has websites, videos, emails, and everything else you find online. To access this web, you need a connection, which is where Ideatek comes in.
Wi-Fi is one kind of connection. It's like a wireless bridge to the internet. It lets your devices, like your phone or laptop, connect to the internet without a physical cable.
Here's the key difference: Wi-Fi is just the connection method, while the internet is the actual information you access. You can also get to the internet with a cable instead of Wi-Fi, like plugging your computer directly into a router. That router acts like a special adapter that translates the signal from your internet service provider (ISP) to something your devices can understand.
So, to sum it up:
I hope this explanation helps! Feel free to ask if you have any other questions.